Tuesday, April 5, 2022

You're Never Too Old to Dream, She Splendid With Kimberly Conrad

It's funny that so may think that dreams are for the young. The older I get, the more I realize that as we grow and expand and experience more of life, we create new dreams. I have more dreams than ever. I have BIGGER dreams than at any other time in my life. Maybe this is because at 57, know I'm more than half way through my life (I intend to be a centenarian). Maybe it's because as I look back and see what I've accomplished in my life, the difficult things I've lived through, the hard things I've done, I have more faith in myself and my capabilities than ever.
Maybe it's because I have so many wonderful female role models in my life in their 60's and 70's that are rocking their lives, personally and professionally. What about you? Are you still dreaming, planning and achieving? Do you still believe in yourself?

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